Haunted Bar: Year Three
That’s right, our third year of Haunted Bar and honestly, it’s hard to believe that it has been three years. Like most folks, COVID wreaked havoc on our calendars and association to time. It feels like it was years ago and also seems like yesterday that someone mistook our antics for something a little more serious and called the police.
Chills and Thrills
One can confidently say: No one does scary like folks at Haunted Basement. Some of our staff members have distinct memories of going to the Haunted Basement at The Soap Factory, an experimental art space, and getting the daylights scared out of them and some of us have clear memories of declining every opportunity to go. Regardless, we can all agree that Haunted Basement brings a wildly creative perspective to the room, and the more creative people we have in the room, the better.
Crafting the Haunted Bar
Our process for Haunted Bar usually starts in the summer, so while the rest of you were enjoying the warm days of summer, we sat around a table and came up with some of the wildest ideas. And we landed on these questions: What happens when serial killers host a dinner party? What can go wrong? What goes right? And with heavy contributions from our General Manager, Samantha, and Bar Director, Roger, a script and story were born.
Collaborative Creativity
These types of concepts are incredibly engaging for our team because we get into full-collaboration mode and everyone shows up to play a part in the process. Creatively, we’re pushed to make a menu that is part of the theme AND delicious. Co-owner Mike Brown is proving to be one of the most enthusiastic hosts with a knack for all things spooky…and creepy.
Beyond the Ordinary
Can we get molds made of ears to use for foie gras? You bet. Think we can get the “Rotten Egg” to rest on a sabayon in this cocktail? No problem. After months of planning and collaboration, it takes an entire team to make this concept go. We wouldn’t be able to do this without their efforts. Without giving away too much, we’re just happy that our team gets to come together to make something fun for you to enjoy. Can’t wait to see you!
Foie Gras Molded Ear